Hello. My name is Deedee. I
am a technophile
am certain it's pronounced gif
stay up too late reading
am personally offended by bad UX
am a technophile
am a technophile
Let’s get in touch!
Product STrategy
Project Management
Agile & SCRUM
DAta & ANalytics
Software Development
User Experience
Furry Kids
Sammy (Dog), Dean (Dog)
and Pip (Cat)
Likely to be
eating snacks right now
A pink infinity symbol
mg of caffeine
needed to keep me

Recent Works

Product Strategy: Escaping the Feature Factory

As head of the product team, I was facing endless feature requests, customer ideas, and conflicting internal pet projects. Having inherited no structure as it related to product management cycles, we were defenseless against projects we knew weren’t going to drive our business forward. As I observed the slow creep of technical debt, the cycles of doing and undoing work, and the struggle to deliver features based on whimsy, I knew we needed a change. I implemented a new framework, collaborated with my team and my peers to adapt the system to our needs, and upended our process for roadmap and feature requesting. Read on to learn how we stopped the conveyor belt of meaningless feature-building.

IdeaCloud: An Origin Story

The IdeaCloud platform started out as a single-use project-based digital agency deliverable. As it began to spark interest with other customers, it became clear that the software needed to quickly and effectively scale. I was brought on board to help grow and evolve the platform, starting with a focus on user experience. From there, the platform evolved to create new tools, features, and products to meet the customer demand.

Adventures in Product Management

Lots of doings for Product Management over the years. Stay tuned for more deets!
I've worked with some pretty great people across many really great brands. So far, my experience has been in the technology and software sectors, or technology divisions of consumer and B2B brands.

Customers I've Worked With

A photo of Deedee Olsen looking out over a cliff edge

About me

I love to sit at the edge of things and look out as far as I can. I'm terrified of heights, but exhilarated by unencumbered views.
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